Doctorate Housewife

What my degree in IPE didn't teach me about baking, DIY, fitness, and life…

Kreativ Blogger Award

I can’t believe it – I’ve been nominated for a Kreativ blogger award by Rachel, an awesome blogger over at Peace, Love & Fabulous Things. Check it out…

Here are the rules:

You must thank the person who has given you the award. (Thank you again Rachel)
1. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
2. Link the person who has nominated you for the award.
3. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
4. Nominate 7 other Kreativ Bloggers.
5. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
6. Leave a comment on each of the blogs to let them know they have been nominated.

Here they are my 7 things:

  1. I’m American, but I’ve lived in Brussels, Belgium for 7 years now and I love it. Yay speculoos (Biscoff) and chocolate =) When I visit home, what’s the store I have to hit?… Target! What must I buy?… Butterfinger and chocolate chew calcium pills, yum yum =p
  2. In university I was on the ballroom dance team. I competed in everything from foxtrot to tango to cha cha, but I think east coast swing was my favourite. I still lindy hop whenever I get the chance. 
  3. I’m tall, not terribly interesting I know. More interesting is some of the crazy growth spurts I’ve had. Twice I grew so fast that I couldn’t walk for a day or two. Once I grew 3 shoe sizes in a week. And perhaps the craziest: the summer between 5th and 6th grade I grew 6 inches, that’s 6 inches in 3 months. I kid not. I left 5th grade at 5’2″ and started 6th grade at 5’8″!!!
  4. My weirdest food combination love is probably mint chocolate and peanut butter. There’s nothing better than a scoop of mint chocolate cookie ice cream drizzled in peanut butter sauce.
  5. I’m a doctor- no, not a medical doctor (My sister got all those genes. I’m terrified of needles and blood). I have a PhD in International Political Economy. So if you ever want to know about how Economics or Politics conceptualises the individual (decision-maker) and have several hours to hear about the evolution of ideas over a couple of centuries feel free to ask =p 
  6. Probably as a result of the previous (and the fact that my husband loves reading the stuff too), I love reading new research on individuals, decision-making, psychology, brain science etc.
  7. Random thing from my bucket list: walk Wainwright’s Coast to Coast walk and part of the Appalachian Trail.
And the 7 bloggers I’m nominating:
  1. Bakergirl: yummy over-the-top treats, always super creative.
  2. Iowa Girl Eats: dessert and dinner, tasty food all around.
  3. Centsational Girl: stylish DIY on a dime.
  4. Brown Eyed Baker: not the first time I’ve mentioned her on my blog. What can I say, it’s just consistently good.
  5. Ikea Hackers: fills my head with loads of ideas, the epitome of creative.
  6. What’s Cookin Chicago?: just great food (and loads of tips if you’re gluten-free)
  7. Sugarcrafter: she made biscoff monkey bread, need I say more?

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  1. Pingback: The Versatile Blogger Award « Doctorate Housewife

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